Gasoline and Moonshine
“Gasoline and moonshine very much resemble each other. Both liquids are colorless and each has a pungent odor.
“Gasoline, when taken internally by a motor, will cause it to propel a mechanism over the surface of the earth, under the water or thru the air.
“Moonshine, when taken internally by a human being, will cause him to do numerous stunts, either on the land, in the water or in the air.
“In the absence of census statistics, it would be difficult to determine which liquid has caused the most headaches, heartaches, divorces or deaths. It be said in favor of gasoline that it also has its good uses while the same cannot be said in favor of moonshine.”
—Inland Oil Index, May 20, 1922, p. 4, quoted in my forthcoming book on Prohibition in Wyoming.